•  25/02/2021 03:12 PM

Our Outreach & Education Coordinator Kelly King on the 'sweet water' of the sugar maple and how it connects us to Indigenous heritage and settler tradition

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  •  25/02/2021 12:00 PM

During the initial lockdown of 2020, the TRACKS team put together a comprehensive list of Online and Onland Resources for Families. This list is now available here.

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  •  16/02/2021 08:31 AM

Aaniin, Boozhoo, Kwey Kwey! Waaseyaa nungo Niimi Migizi Aabinojii ndizhnikaaz, Mukwa ndodem, Kitigan Zibi ndonjibaa. Algonquin Anishinaabe, Mi’kmaq Niizh Manidowag ndaaw

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  •  16/02/2021 08:13 AM

Aaniin! Maggie Cummings ndizhnikaaz. Ngig ndodem. Wshkiigomaang ndoonjibaa.

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  •  11/12/2020 01:28 PM

Aaniin, Geneva Walker ndizhinikaaz, hello my name is Geneva Walker. I work at TRACKS as the social media lead and office support position!

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  •  11/12/2020 01:25 PM

Aanin, Hello, Salaam! My name is Sara and I am so thrilled to be taking on the role of Oshkwazin Program Development and Delivery with TRACKS this year!

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  •  11/12/2020 01:23 PM

Hi my name is Leah Grimes!  I work for the Outreach and Education Development and Delivery team here at TRACKS.

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  •  11/12/2020 01:19 PM

Hi Everyone! I'm Jaida Ponce, and I'm a Kichi Siibi (Ottawa River Valley) Anishinaabe-kwe from Ardoch Algonquin First Nation.

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  •  11/12/2020 01:09 PM

Aniin, Naanooshenhshii-Kwe minwa Grace indizhnikaaz, Alderville Ndoonjibaa, Wabizhenhshii Ndoodem; Hello, Yellow Hummingbird Woman is my spirit name, although I go by Grace.

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  •  07/05/2020 03:32 PM

Jazzmin Foster (who most recently worked with TRACKS in the Development & Delivery position) and her son, Henrick, made some Zhingwaak Mshkiiki Waabo and wanted to share the recipe with you all. Making this medicine is the perfect thing to do to stay healthy while social distancing!

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  •  24/04/2020 10:34 AM

Today is April 24th and would have been our first PA Day camp of the Spring! But due to COVID-19, we are instead reminiscing in the amazing day we had during our last PA Day camp on January 31st. Read all about it through the eyes of Lauren MacLachlan, who worked with TRACKS as Office and Programming Support through the Winter and Spring.

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  •  19/02/2020 04:36 PM

Better late than never -- we are excited to make public our Annual Report for 2019!

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