•  04/08/2021 09:28 AM

I am 17 years old from Curve Lake First Nation, from the Otter clan.

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  •  04/08/2021 09:19 AM

Hey, I’m Josh McDonald-Knott, I'm 15 years old from Curve Lake First Nation.

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  •  04/08/2021 09:15 AM

Hi I am Rainingbird Daniels, I am 18 years old from Sturgeon Lake First Nation located on Treaty 6 in Saskatchewan.

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  •  04/08/2021 09:13 AM

My name is Elijah Brake, and I am Mi’kmaw from the Bay of Islands Newfoundland.

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  •  04/08/2021 09:11 AM

Hi, I am Migizi, I am Crane clan and Mississauga from Burleigh Falls, and Algonquin with registration from Kitigan Zibi First Nation

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  •  04/08/2021 09:08 AM

Hello, my name is Kaden Peter William Makenzie, I am 18 and I’m Sahtu Dene from the community of Deline way up in the Northwest Territories right next to Great Bear Lake.

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  •  28/07/2021 12:12 PM

Raising caterpillars is a straightforward and rewarding opportunity. It is a wonderful chance for young and old to gain a greater appreciation for our winged relatives and see the beauty of metamorphosis up close and personal and help support their populations.

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  •  27/07/2021 12:37 PM

Leigh, a wonderful staff member of Camp Kawartha Environment Centre has recently written a blog post about our TRACKS activity kits and books.

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  •  20/07/2021 12:38 PM

At TRACKS Youth program we are continuing to watch the news and have conversations, as the recoveries of the many children continue. At this time we would like to offer links to mental health resources and support. We will be posting the list on our website, Instagram profile, Facebook and Twitter. Please reach out if you need support.

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  •  12/06/2021 10:00 AM

Hear a little of the history of the Odenaabe as well as resources where you can learn more!

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  •  09/06/2021 10:09 AM

Here from our past and current Oshkwazin staff members on the importance of building a relationship with the land.

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  •  05/06/2021 12:13 PM

The TRACKS Team has provided some tips for how we can continue to care for our watershed as well as efforts to help restore it!

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