Each Wednesday in March we will be sharing astronomy activities inspired by integrative sciences based in Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg territory!

Astronomy Activity #1: Nokomis Observations

Astronomy Activity #1: Nokomis Observations

In Anishinaabe teachings , the Moon is referred to as our Nokomis, or Grandmother. Nokomis is the closest astronomical relative we have to our home here on Mother Earth.

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Astronomy Activity #2: Movements of Grandfather Sun

Astronomy Activity #2: Movements of Grandfather Sun

In Anishinaabe teachings, Sun is referred to as our Mishomis, or Grandfather. Sun is also known as giizis in Anishinaabemowin. As Earth is continually rotating around him, Grandfather Sun brings forward the morning to give light and warmth to all of creation.

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Astronomy Activity #3: Waawaate and the Magnetosphere

Astronomy Activity #3: Waawaate and the Magnetosphere

Waawaate is known as the Northern lights or Aurora Borealis in Ojibwemowin which occur near the North Pole. This phenomenon has been observed by many cultures all over the world, and for thousands of years!

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Astronomy Activity #4: Light Pollution Exploration

Astronomy Activity #4: Light Pollution Exploration

Light pollution is an excessive use of artificial light that affects the behavior of wildlife, human health and our ability to observe the night sky. Artificial light can come from houses, street lights, buildings, and so much more. Light pollution disrupts beings that require darkness and/or the light of the moon to navigate their way around.

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Astronomy Activity #5: Ojiig Constellation Tracing

Astronomy Activity #5: Ojiig Constellation Tracing

The story of the Ojiig Anang, the Fisher is not just to remember the stars, it teaches us about sharing, autumn, gratitude, the movement of the seasons and much more!

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