Kelli Marshall
Indigenous Enrolment Advisor, First Peoples House of Learning

Kelli Marshall is an Anishinabe Kwe from the Miichi Saagiig territory of Hiawatha First Nation. She represents the Pike Clan. She is an activist, dancer, and storyteller, mother, daughter, sister and Auntie. She is a proud graduate of PCVS's Integrated Arts Program and Fleming College. She has been dancing pow-wow for ten years. Kelli has travelled to many communities across Turtle Island, learning, sharing and teaching different dance styles.  Dancing has taken her to many places from The Main Stage at The Junos to tiny villages in Nova Scotia and she loved each and every opportunity she was given. She is now the Indigenous Enrolment Advisor for First People House of Learning at Trent University. Kelli travels to communities all over Ontario to recruit brilliant Indigenous youth to Trent University. She knows that every student deserves to be in post-secondary. That education is part of reclaiming. When you have Indigenous Knowledge combined with the best in Western Education, there is nothing our students can’t do.