20 Jun

  1. How many years have you worked/volunteered with TRACKS?

This is my first year

  1. What is your favourite part about working at TRACKS?

That I learn about how we can teach Indigenous Knowledge and science to children

  1. What programming is your favourite to run and why? 

Toppling towers, because it is a fun way to learn new Anishinaabemowin words

  1. What is your favourite nature fact? And share what it is.

Some trees, like acacias, can warn each other of danger

  1. What is your go to native plant for teachings and why? 

Daisy, it reminds me to take the time to appreciate the small things in life.

  1. What is your favourite activity to do outside of work? 

I love reading.

  1. What is the most important thing you learned while working at TRACKS?

Being open to different knowledges, ways of learning, and understanding.

  1. Where is your favourite natural area to visit in Nogojiwanong and why?

Jackson Creek Trail, I can see a lot of animals in the path

  1. What inspired you to get into outdoor and INSTEM education?

I love spending time in nature, and I really liked science when I was at school. However, I know how constraining and closed-minded science can be, so I wanted to learn about different sciences and knowledges.

  1. If you could give advice to anyone who wants to get into this field of work, what would you tell them?

To be open to new experiences and be humble and courageous enough to learn more and break preconceived notions of what science looks like.